Sports, nutrition, weight loss, exercise

Lifting the body to the side lying on its side. Downloading the press

When you want to do yoga, but too lazy to get up, go to a workout, it's time to start doing these 14 easy, but very useful exercises.

1. We swing the inner side of the thigh, get rid of body fat.

How to do: lie down on your stomach. We put our hands under our heads. Legs are straight at the knees. Bend the right leg at the knee and place the foot on the shin of the left leg. Tighten your buttocks as much as possible and tear off your right knee just a couple of centimeters from the floor. Don't move your hip. Hold on for a few seconds. Lower your knee to the floor. Repeat on the left side.

How many times: 5-6 on each side.

2. We make the legs slim and inflated.

How to do: we lay down on our back. Hands along the body with palms down. Raise your legs to 35 degrees and draw a big zero in the air with both feet.

How many times: 10 on each side.

How to do: lie down on your stomach, stretching your arms in front of you. Raise your legs and arms, tighten your buttocks. Don't wring your neck. The curve of the neck should continue the line of the spine. Stay as long as possible in this position.

4. Bicycle. We tighten the legs and get rid of varicose veins.

How to do: lie down on the floor, pressing the lower back to the floor. Hands behind your head. The palms are not fastened into the castle. Your knees should be bent at a 45 degree angle. We alternately move our legs as if you are riding a bicycle (the left elbow touches the right knee and vice versa). We do about a minute.

5. Leg swings lying on your side. Perfect buttocks.

How to do: lie down on the right side. Legs are straight at the knees. We put one leg in front of us, leaning on the elbow. Move the left leg as high as possible. The right leg can be bent slightly to maintain stability. We change sides.

How many times: 5-6 on each side.

6. We strengthen the muscles of the back.

How to do: lie on your back, arms to the sides, bend your knees. As you exhale, roll from one side to the other, while tensing your abdominal muscles.

How many times: 6-8 on each side.

7. Clam pose. We fight cellulite.

How to do: lie on your side with your knees bent. Put your hand under your head, the other lean on the floor to maintain balance. Slowly raise the leg lying on top 20 cm from the floor. Slowly lower it back down. Repeat with the other side.

How many times: 10 on each side.

8. Strengthen the paraspinal muscles.

How to do: lie on your back, press your legs to your chest, grab them with both hands. Tightening your abdominal muscles, make slow rolls from one side to the other. Run time: about 1 minute.

9. Minimum effort, maximum benefit for the gluteal muscles.

How to do: lie on your right side, bending your right leg at the knee. Raise your left leg slowly up to 45 degrees. Lock in this position for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Lower your leg slowly down. Do the same on the other side.

10. Iron abdominal muscles and strong back muscles.

How to do: lie down on your stomach, hands under your head. Raise your head, lift your shoulders and chest off the floor. Slowly we make rotational movements of the body to the left, then to the right.

How many times: 5 on each side.

11. Cobra pose. We strengthen the back, swing the muscles of the hands.

How to do: lie face down, legs straight at the knees, bend your arms at the elbows, placing your palms under your shoulders. We lean on our hands and while inhaling we raise the body, head. Try to arch your back and pull your shoulders back. Fix for 30-60 seconds.

12. Some Pilates.

How to do: lie on your side, bending your knees, arms at your sides. Press your right leg to the floor with your knee. Place the bent left in front of the knee of the right. Raise your left hand and make a circular motion with it over your right hand and head lying on the floor. Return to starting position. Change sides.

How many times: 5 circular movements on each side.

13. Lifting the pelvis lying down. Treasured cubes. We remove the "breeches" on the hips.

How to do: lie on your back, arms along the body, palms down. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise the pelvis to the maximum height. Do not raise your head and do not lean on the back of your head. When lifting the pelvis, the feet, arms, head and shoulders should be pressed to the floor. Fix for 2 sec. Gently lower the pelvis without touching the floor. The body must be in tension.

How many times: by 5.

14. And finally, do not forget about horizontal running.

What are you doing?

Horizontal running.

Mistake: crunches for abdominals

If your goal is to strengthen your whole body, don't waste time doing crunches that supposedly strengthen your abs. This exercise only flexes the spine and increases the stoop that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from. Besides, it misleads you. Remember: no amount of twisting will help to remove fat from the abdomen.

That's right: plank

The key to a strong and toned body is to train the rectus abdominis. Do the plank exercise more often. Lie on the floor face down, resting on your arms bent at the elbows and the ends of the outstretched legs. Try to keep your shoulders and hips at the same level and stay like that for 10 seconds. Take a 5 second break and then repeat. After doing the exercise 5-6 times, you will understand how difficult it is.

Mistake: training the thigh muscles while sitting on the simulator

Do you think that by working on the simulator while sitting, you can strengthen the outer thigh muscles and quickly remove fat in the so-called "riding breeches"? Unfortunately, the outer thigh muscles don't really work in this position. Instead, the piriformis muscle of the pelvis and the short inner thigh muscle are tensed. Their overstrain leads to pinching of the sciatic nerve, which can cause painful sciatica. In addition, you cannot remove fat in certain areas of the body by training individual muscles. Here it is important to choose the right diet by changing your diet, and regularly do exercises for the whole body. This is the only way to remove fat from problem areas.

Right: raising legs while lying on your side

Until your hips get thin from general training, it is very important to strengthen your hip abductors so that you can stand firmly on your feet. To prevent injury, do the exercises lying down. Lie on your right side, focus on your right forearm. Rest your left hand on the floor in front of you. Leaning on your hands, lift your upper (left leg) 10-30 cm from the floor, but not too high, otherwise other muscles will start to work. Hold the raised leg for 5 seconds, then lower and repeat the exercise 10 times. Roll over to the other side and do the same with the other leg. Here, your load will be your body weight and this will give fantastic results for increasing muscle tone.

Error: raising arms with dumbbells up

The purpose of this exercise is to flex your midline muscles and activate your shoulder muscles. The problem is that you can end up overworking your shoulder joint and causing pinched nerves. Or, worst of all, get injured in the shoulder joint.

Correct: lifting dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is designed to train the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, while it will save the shoulder joint from overload. Stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells down. Raise them in front of you at shoulder level, but not higher, then slowly lower them down. Repeat 10 times. Use light dumbbells and increase their weight gradually, professional fitness trainers advise.

Mistake: pulling the bar down behind the back

Any exercise that breaks the straight spine under load is potentially dangerous, especially if it involves the neck, the most fragile part of the spine. By their very nature, the behind-the-neck push-up on a machine requires the person to arch their neck and head forward and break the straight line of the back, which can cause strain or strain in the neck and back muscles, or worse, herniated discs.

That's right: push-ups with traction in front of the chest

The key to getting in shape is getting the big back muscles working while keeping the neck and spine secure. Stand in front of the bar of the simulator in the pose of a football goalkeeper with your arms raised up bent. Grab the bar with both hands in front of you. Sit on the seat of the machine, pulling the bar down with straight arms. Keep your back straight, do not lean back. And think about how to pull your chest up to the bar, not the bar to your chest.

Error: leg extension on a simulator with a seated load

This popular machine is designed to train the quadriceps femoris. However, with its help, it is easy to injure the legs at the knees, which are in the wrong position here. Lifting a load in such a way that the entire load is on the ankles is endangering a knee joint that is not designed for it. If you have joint problems or use too much resistance during an exercise, you can easily get hurt.

That's right: split squats

This exercise is safer because it puts the knees in a natural position. Lunge with one foot forward in a half split so that the knees of both legs can be bent into a 90-degree squat. With a straight back, begin to slowly squat and rise, shifting your body weight onto your front foot (the back foot acts as a stand to keep you from falling). Raising the back leg, as shown in the photo using a stand, you can increase the load on the muscles. Repeat squats with one leg 10 times; then switch legs.

Mistake: side bends with dumbbells in hand

Here is another exercise that does not give the effect you expect. You thought it would help strengthen your obliques, but it doesn't work. On the contrary, there is unnecessary tension on the spine and soft tissues of the back, which act as shock absorbers for the spine. This creates a risk of rupture of the intervertebral discs.

Correct: side plank

A simple exercise to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which allows the spine to maintain a safe straight position. Starting position: lie on your side, resting on the forearm of a bent arm perpendicular to the shoulders. Bend your free arm and place it in front of you. Slowly lift and lift your hips off the floor, tensing your abs. Keep your torso in one line from head to toe. Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position, rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times and roll over to the other side. Do the exercise on the other side 3 more times.

Error: stretching the back muscles on a simulator with a load

Stretching the muscles is very helpful in strengthening the core, but over-stretching will lead to very different results. It is especially dangerous to do this on the simulator as shown in the photo. If you have a natural curvature of your back and have excess belly fat, you are at risk of injury to your lower back. Using weights on a machine increases the risk of throwing off your balance.

Correct: “swimming” on a hemisphere (bosu ball)

Train your back muscles with this simple yet effective exercise. Lie face down on top of the bosu ball. Extend your arms and legs so that your body is in a comfortable position on the ball. Start "swimming" by raising your right arm and left leg first; then reverse them while balancing on the ball. Repeat the movements at a moderate pace after 30 seconds.

Mistake: hanging leg raise

There are many ways to do this exercise. You hang from the bar and raise your bent or straight legs to waist level. You assume that you strengthen the core by forcing the muscles of the abdomen and thighs to work. Most people try to raise their legs and hips too high, which can cause hip muscle spasms and damage to the spinal discs, as your weight puts more stress on the spine and twists it. In addition, shoulder joints can also suffer if your weight is too large.

That's right: exercise "hunting dog"

This yoga exercise trains the core well without overstraining the muscles that flex the hips. Get on all fours, leaning on your knees and hands. Stretch your left leg and right arm in one line, then slowly bend them, bringing them closer to each other so that the elbow of the left hand touches the right knee. Repeat stretching and bending 10 times. Do the same with the right leg and left arm.

Error: push-ups on the hands on the simulator

Many women dream of strengthening their arm muscles in order to wear open sleeveless dresses. But training the triceps by doing push-ups on the simulator is very dangerous. The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in our body, but it is also the least stable. With such push-ups on the simulator, you bring down all your weight on your shoulder and the result can be a joint injury.

Right: triceps stretch

Choose a machine with a bar hanging on a cable. Grasp the bar with both hands shoulder-width apart and pull it down to align your forearms so they are parallel to the floor and your elbows are pressed to your sides. Press your hands into the bar and straighten your arms down, then slowly raise them to waist level, bending at the elbows parallel to the floor. Repeat 10 times. When you are in a standing position, you are also exercising the core muscles that keep your torso upright.

Mistake: standing chest exercises

Exercises with dumbbells in your hands are good for strengthening the muscles of the chest, right? But it's wrong if you do it standing up. Gravity is your enemy here: you think your chest muscles are working, and the weight is pulling down and you are just injuring your shoulder joints.

That's right: exercises for the chest, lying on your back

This is easy to fix: Lie on your back, grab a pair of dumbbells, and extend your arms with the dumbbells high above your chest. Slowly spread your arms out to the sides, bending your elbows and letting your shoulders drop. Then slowly raise your arms and return them back to the starting position, as if hugging a large tree. Do 10 reps.

Fig. 9 Head a little more to the right, above the knee ... closer to the floor ... suddenly you will roll over ... roll over the right shoulder blade, left leg in the air, maybe the left shoulder blade will also come off the floor

Fig. 10 From the supine position, turn to the right… the left leg balances you to some extent… the right knee… touches the floor… the head is close to the floor in the direction of the knee… the weight of the left leg makes it possible. sit down ... in the starting position

After a few small swings, increase the amplitude to such an extent that it becomes possible, lowering your head, to roll to the right on the floor and lie on your back. The left leg, of course, will also rise from the floor. If the movement was quite comfortable and gentle, you will roll on your back and find yourself lying almost on your left side.

Push off the floor with your left foot and start moving back to the right. The head is the lead element in the roll and is kept close to the floor until it is near the right knee. If you remember to move your left leg, which is behind you, to the left, bending it, you will be able to sit down.

Be careful not to straighten up when in a sitting position, keep your head and torso as close to the floor as possible. In this position, the body will move a little to the left as you make a slight movement of the torso and head, then swing again to the right - and you will again be lying on your back. Repeat this rolling twenty-five times, then rest.

imaginary repetition

If you have not been able to roll from lying down to sitting up and back, try to imagine this movement, both lying on your back and sitting, five times in each position, paying attention to all parts of the body if possible. Try to keep the imaginary movement continuous. Try to keep your breathing calm and rhythmic, then try to do this movement again, but really.

Raising the leg from a sitting position, real and imaginary

Fig. 11 Raise your right foot in front of you ... higher, higher - even higher ... bring it closer to you ... lower your head. You may be able to put your foot close to the top of your head

Sit down as at the beginning of the lesson. Grab your foot as before and try to lift it above your head with both hands and place it on top of your head. A well-organized body does not need any effort to put the indentation of the inner edge of the foot: on the top of the head. If this is difficult for you, sit down with your eyes closed and visualize this continuous movement in detail. Note that if you can't execute a movement, it's hard for you to visualize it.

Verbalization can replace sensation and control

It is not at all difficult to "think" the movement in words. One of the great dangers of verbal language is that it allows us to become so detached from reality that we often mistakenly believe that we imagined something or thought about something, when in reality we only remembered the corresponding words. It is not difficult to see that when we actually imagine an action, we encounter the same obstacles as when we perform it. A certain action is difficult to perform because the commands that the nervous system gives to the muscles turn out to be unusable. The body does not flex sufficiently because the conscious instructions to flex cannot be carried out and because the antagonist muscles (in this case, the erectors of the back) continue to work out of habit, as if maintaining an incorrect posture. As soon as one becomes aware of their hindering activity, a new flexibility immediately appears, similar to the flexibility of a child, and the bending becomes continuous, comfortable, wonderful.

At the moment when this happens, the person feels as if a window has opened in a stuffy room, and he is overwhelmed with a sense of new life and opportunities. He found himself in control, understood the responsibility for uncontrolled movements.

Side leg swings are a simple but effective exercise that is included in many workouts for working out the legs and buttocks. Due to the fact that it does not require special equipment for its implementation, it is often used during classes at home.

Muscle work

First of all, swinging legs to the side affects the area of ​​the buttocks, namely the middle and small gluteal muscles, the tensor of the fascia lata. The load is also received by the stabilizers of the body, namely: the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the lower back, the extensors of the spine. Additionally, the movement engages the small muscles of the legs.

In the classic version, the middle and small gluteal muscles work.

Depending on the starting position, the trajectory of the leg during the swing and the turn of the foot, the quadriceps, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus may be included in the work.

Shifting the load when changing the position of the working leg.

It should be understood that swings are strength exercises. Their implementation can significantly improve the shape of the buttocks, but by themselves they do not contribute to weight loss. If your goal is to reduce volume, supplement your workouts with cardio and reduce your calorie intake.

Performing an exercise

To begin, lie on your right side and stretch your legs. Place one hand on the floor in front of you at stomach level, and lean on the other elbow. Make sure you can balance in this position and are comfortable.

The classic version of side swings on the gluteus medius muscles:

  • Take your left leg as high as possible, as far as your hip joint allows you to do this. The leg is straight, abduction occurs vertically to the side, neither forward nor backward. The right leg, which is located below, can be bent slightly for better stability.
  • Return your leg to its original position. Repeat the prescribed number of times and roll over to the other side.

Raising the leg vertically up.

We shift the emphasis towards the gluteus maximus muscles and the back of the thigh:

  • Lying on your left side, take your right leg up and slightly back. At the same time, shorten the foot and turn it with the heel to the ceiling.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions and roll over.

If it is necessary, on the contrary, to transfer the load forward:

  • From the starting position, lift and take your leg forward. At the same time, turn your foot slightly with your toe towards the ceiling.

A combined option for those who need to work through everything at once:

  • Get on your knees. Lean to the left and place your left palm on the floor, and bend your right arm at the elbow and place your palm behind your head. Straighten your left leg and lift it to parallel with the floor. This is the starting position.
  • As you inhale, take your raised leg forward. This is the first phase.
  • As you exhale, take the same leg back - the second phase.
  • Repeat the swing for the specified number of times.
This exercise involves several muscle groups at once.

For beginners, it is enough to do 2 approaches for each leg, and for those who are confident in their abilities, you can increase their number to 3-4. The number of repetitions in the approach is 15-20.

To achieve a lasting result and harmonious development of the muscles of the lower body, combine swings with other strength exercises. End each session with stretching.

Use of weights

When you fully master the exercise and can perform the maximum number of repetitions, they will begin to lose their effectiveness. To avoid this, try advanced versions of the swings. Specifically, use weights.

Performance with weights.

Put on weights weighing 0.5–1 kg on your legs. This will make the swings more difficult and force the muscles to work even harder. You can use a rubber expander or tape for the same purpose.

Leg swings are an indispensable exercise for pumping the buttocks. Its regular implementation will significantly improve the shape of the lower body and bring the muscles into the necessary tone.

Many people want to have a pumped press. This is especially true now, in the summer season.
Among people far from sports, there is an opinion that the creation of cubes on the stomach is a very long, painstaking and laborious process.

Professional athletes and amateur athletes do not share this view. The abdominal muscles are considered the simplest muscle group, easily located to progress.

You can pump the press by simply lifting the body from a position lying on your back. It is this exercise that we will put at the heart of our training program. But before planning a workout, consider a few nuances.

How long will it take?

How long it will take to complete the pumping depends on the starting conditions. There are several criteria by which you can determine the approximate amount of work. This:

  1. Fat. Many athletes do not take into account the most important factor - the percentage of fat. The fat layer on the stomach will not allow you to show off the press cubes, you simply will not see them, even if you pump.
  2. Body type. As you know, there are three main body types:a) Ectomorph. Thin bones, thinness, low percentage of subcutaneous fat. It is ectomorphs who find it easiest to develop abdominal muscles without much effort.b) Mesomorph. Average, which can easily lose and gain body weight.c) Endomorph. People with a high percentage of subcutaneous fat, a massive bone skeleton. They have the hardest time developing abs and burning belly fat.
  3. Heredity. Remember the physique of your parents, the hereditary factor also plays an important role.


To burn subcutaneous fat and gain relief, you must adhere to a strict diet. This is especially true for those whose fat layer takes up more body weight than muscles. Thin ectomorphs, too, should not relax, otherwise you can keep your thinness, but gain belly fat.

Our diet is based on protein. Eliminate or greatly moderate the consumption of all low-quality and fast carbohydrates, namely:

  1. Sweets, sweets, chocolate.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Bakery products.
  4. Sugar.

If there is a wild desire to eat something sweet, then the above products are best replaced with fruits, such as an apple or bananas. But even they should not be abused. Also, you should not lean too much on long carbohydrates, including rice, buckwheat, potatoes, etc.

The approximate ratio of carbohydrates to protein should be 1 to 3. Protein should be of high quality, that is, animal, not vegetable. Lean meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, and low-fat dairy products are preferred.

Meal times also need to be taken into account. The morning diet should consist of a carbohydrate base, for example, oatmeal with fruit. In the middle of the day, a small portion of carbohydrates is consumed, with protein.

For example - rice with chicken breast or buckwheat with fish. Don't forget the vegetables too.
Evening meal - exclusively protein. It is best to eat a pack of cottage cheese or a piece of fish, with a light vegetable salad.

However, when drawing up a diet, it is worth considering the characteristics of your body and physique. The best option is to see a dietitian or trainer at the gym.

We sleep right

With a broken sleep pattern or lack of sleep, it will be extremely difficult to change your body. Muscles grow during sleep, and with its lack, they are exposed to the action of the stress hormone - cortisol. It, in turn, inhibits growth and impedes progress, even with proper nutrition and exercise.

With heavy physical exertion, for the fastest growth, it is recommended to sleep for about 9 hours. But we want to pump only the press, so 7-8 hours will be enough for us.

Some anatomical theory

As you know, there are two parts of the press - lower and upper. Pretty much everything people consider to be a full abs is an upper. The lower muscles are not so easy to develop. This requires a long diet and a targeted load, specifically on the lower abdomen.

What you need for exercise

A definite advantage, when pumping up the press, is that you can do it at home. Also, no special equipment and simulators are required, except perhaps an elastic mat.

Now, let's move on to the preparation of the training program. The main exercise will be - lifting the body from a position lying on your back. You have probably seen how people get up lying on their stomach or back, shaking the press. There is nothing difficult in the performance of the exercise, the main thing is practice.

Stretching our body

Before you start pumping the press, you need to warm up the muscles and tone your body. This is important because a person who is not accustomed to physical activity can injure muscle fibers and recover for a long time.

The warm-up consists of several exercises:

  1. Body tilts. Tilt the torso alternately forward and backward, without sudden movements.
  2. Run. If it is not possible to go for a short run, then you can run on the spot, about 5 minutes. Or replace running with the next two exercises.
  3. "Bike" . Lie on the floor, raise your legs and bend at the knees. Initiate movements similar to the rotation of bicycle pedals. Enough 2-3 minutes.
  4. Torso rotation. Stand up straight, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor, bend at the elbows and press to your chest. Begin quick rotations to the left and right, trying to feel the lower part of the torso. Enough 2 minutes.

Lifting the body from a prone position

Now, we begin to do exercises purposefully on the press. All movements are recommended to be performed on a soft mat, in order to avoid injuries and colds.

1. Exercise classic lift

  • Lie on the floor, bend your arms at the elbows and fasten them into a lock, on the occipital region.
  • Bend your legs so that they are roughly perpendicular to your torso (about 80 degrees). To keep your feet from moving while lifting, you can place them under heavy furniture, such as under a sofa. Or, ask a partner to hold your legs while you do it.
  • Start lifting the torso up, at a moderate speed, without sudden movements.
  • When you reach the point of maximum tension, begin to slowly lower yourself.

It is worth noting one nuance. For better performance, do not rise to the end, and when lowering, do not touch the floor. The optimal number of approaches is 3.

2. Exercise swallow

  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as much as possible, take your feet back.
  • Start lifting straightened arms and legs without bending them at the knees and elbows.
  • Left foot with right hand, right foot with left hand, at the same time.

At the same time, try to feel the tension of the muscles as much as possible, lying on your stomach, with each repetition, increase the tension, if possible. Do 3 sets.

3. Twisting

  • Lie on the floor, fully straighten the body, put your hands behind the back of your head and close into the lock.
  • Start lifting the torso, trying to stretch your elbows to your knees, only slightly raising your knees towards your elbows.
  • Right elbow to left knee, left elbow to right knee.

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